Mouflon Sheep Hunt
First come, First Serve!
- World-Class Trophy Mouflon Sheep – $1,500 plus 6% sales tax, available December – January.
- Ewes – $200 plus 6% sales tax, available through the regular boar season hunts.
- Weapon Of Your Choice (Including Rifles)
The Mouflon Sheep is the smallest of the wild sheep. Often compared to the wild Big Horn, the Mouflon is known to be the most colorful and majestic sheep in the world. To further complement their natural appearance, the curved horns on a mature Mouflon ram are balanced, striking, and beautiful that measure approximately 25-35 inches in length with a total base circumference of roughly 8-10 inches or more.
When you see the exotic coloration and impressive horns of a Mouflon sheep, it’s easy to understand why they are such a prized species.